Driving to Work was a Complete Nightmare

Well, it was another day driving to Sears today, however, it was unlike any other day. Over the past 2 years, I’ve never had a problem getting to and from work at the speed I drive, but today, I had a complete idiot to deal with. As you may not know, I drive a 2015 Ford Focus Electric, therefore I don’t get that much battery power. However, it gets a good 100 miles to a single charge under the right conditions. I do like to help my grandparents save on their electric bill, so that’s why I drive at an economical speed. I normally drive 50 mi/hr when the weather is mild, but today, I drove 55 mi/hr since it was 80 degrees outside. So, here I am driving, in the slow lane just as I normally do, and someone in a white van passes me. So far, so good! However, after he’s like…1000 feet away, the driver started slowing down after he/she went back into the slow lane after passing me from the middle lane. He started slowing down shortly after the Columbus/Florence exit. It doesn’t appear that anyone was coming onto the highway from the ramp, but even after the exit, the driver still kept slowing down. Now the van is moving even slower than I am. I retain my speed at 55 mi/hr (which is always set using the cruise control), and I immediately pass the van after I am only a couple of feet behind it. Then, there were a few cars and a semi approaching me in the middle lane. Obviously, the semi can’t pass me in the fast lane, because that would be illegal, so the semi would have to slow down. I tried to get out of that lane as quick as I could to prevent the truck driver from slamming on his brakes and causing an accident, (this is why driving at 55 mi/hr on an interstate highway can be dangerous and is NOT RECOMMENDED). Once I got back into the right lane, I was only a couple of feet in front of the van. Yes, I was tailgating in case some of you wanted to know what I just did. That was a red flag on my part. So, far I’m driving faster than the van, but THEN the van slowed down again. What a complete asshole that person is! Seriously! I could just pass the van again, but now there were other cars in the middle lane. So, I used the shoulder to pass the van…totally ILLEGAL! After I successfully passed the van the second time, I looked behind me and noticed the van proceeded to a complete stop in into the shoulder and put the blinkers on. I have a feeling the driver is going to report me to the police! So, this is how I’m going to be treated? For being economical and saving money going just 10 miles under the speed limit in the GODDAMN slow lane, and now I have to deal with someone slowing down after passing me? Drivers like that don’t belong on the road. I have had an instance like that happen a couple years back when I was driving in the fast lane in a 55 mi/hr road. However, that was a mistake on my part because I had like…20 people behind me in the 2nd lane. The person who passed me and slowed down even flashed his stupid blinkers at me to let me know I didn’t belong in that lane. Then, after he passed me in the other lane, he went in front of me and slowed down to remind me AGAIN. So, obviously this is a different situation. Now, one thing I noticed is that when the van slowed down, the brake lights didn’t show up, which means he just coasting, not deliberately braking. This could mean that the driver is an elderly person, and is just slowing down enough to see that there was nobody coming down the exit ramp. Then, he/she simply forgot what speed he was going to simply didn’t accelerate and continued at that speed. Of course, my fault is when I drove too close to the van after passing it. Both times when the van passed me, it was 5 car lengths away, which is the correct threshold for safely staying driving behind someone. The van was also 5 car lengths in front of me when it passed from the middle lane back into the slow lane. So perhaps I set him off, but obviously I got set off as well, which is why I passed him from the shoulder. I have seen other people pass me from the shoulder, however, two wrongs down make a right. I certainly went too far on handling this situation. I could have just slowed down after he slowed down in front of me the second time. However, I was too hasty, and I needed to get to work. I didn’t want to be late. I arrived 5 minutes late, which is only 1 minute before the 6 minute grace period. I’m sure the van would keep slowing down more and more until it was 35 mi/hr on the interstate and I could report that driver to the police to be driving recklessly slow!

Well, because this driver may have reported my license plate, now I may have to hide from the police. That’s just great! The fact of the matter is, I can’t drive 55 forever, and someone’s going to report me so that everyone else gets to share the slow lane too. That’s totally unfair! I guess I’m going to have to increase my speed to 65 one of these days. I drove a different route home, because I was afraid the driver of the van may have sent the cops to monitor the area. It took an extra 7 minutes to get home tonight. I’m at least hoping that on Saturday, there won’t be any cops on the road. As far as I am concerned, only the state police patrol the interstate, and I only see them with the speedometers a few times a month. If I see them, I’ll just drive 65, then I’ll slow back down to 55 again once I’m out of their sight. No big deal! Haha, you can’t get me.

A Customer With a Conure

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I was working my shift, and with it being the busiest day before Christmas, many shoppers were at Sears buying their last minute gifts. At around 4:15, my co-worker’s shift ended and I was alone until the next associate came at 6:00. Luckily I survived among grabbing shoes and ringing up countless amounts of sales. At 5:45, the busy rush stopped and I had just enough time to put away all the rejected items and organize the shelves. At around 6:15, I took my 15-minute break, then upon coming back, I arrived right on time to handle another small line of 4 customers. Then, about 10 minutes later, while organizing the woman’s boots, I had a customer approach me and ask about how to convert her shoe size on abercrombie.com. I know it’s totally irrelevant to my job, but I was willing to help. She had her i-phone out and was showing me these letters “m” “p” and “l” on the numerical values which ranged from 5 to 24. Some numbers did not show up, which is presumed that the website was sold out of. After gazing at the screen for about 10 seconds, I saw a green-cheeked conure on her arm. I was so surprised at seeing that. I didn’t say anything yet, but I suddenly lost my train of thought. I blurted out “let me think, ummm” and other lost-thought type of words. Then I said to the woman, “You have a nice bird there”. She replied, “Thanks, some people feel sort of afraid. I bring him with me because it gives me comfort. I just feel happy with him with me”. I think she is very dedicated to show love and compassion for such amazing creatures. I never got the conure’s name because I forgot to ask. While I was walking with the woman through the store to compare sizes of jeans, I tried to guess what kind of bird she had. I couldn’t figure it out, but then I said “it’s a quaker parrot, no, wait”, then the woman said, “look at the heart on its back.” I then said “it’s a lovebird”, but wouldn’t you know I was wrong anyways. I thought it would be obvious, but not in this case. I feel stupid to realize it was actually a conure, since I used to watch videos of birds dancing to songs on YouTube, most of which were conures. I looked at the long tail, and thought to myself, “oh, that actually makes sense.” She told me that this bird is very smart. “Yes”, I told her. “I did a lot of research on birds, so I have always liked to learn about them. I want to get a pet raven one of these days”. I picked a raven for a different reason, and although their intellegence is part of the reason, there is a more important reason which I’m not ready to mention. It does have something to do with videos I’ve done in the past, just to give you a hint. I am always interested in how intelligent birds actually are. Did you know that most birds have the intelligence of a 4-year old child? It’s true! I learned that on a tv infomercial from Bird Paradise, which does do their own tv show on WMCN, channel 44. After speaking to her about her size and doing the conversions, I tried to pet her conure, but it pecked at me before I could reach its head. I knew this conure took me as a complete stranger, and was afraid I may harm it, which is why it defended itself. That conure didn’t peck hard. As a matter of fact, not even larger birds such as macaws can cause pain from their beak, mostly due to the fact that they swallow their food whole instead of chewing it. I saw a man walk into Sears once with a macaw, and I didn’t experience any pain when it pecked at me. That’s why they got gizzards inside their body instead of teeth. The defensive strategy is also used to protect itself from being handled by anyone EXCEPT for its true mate, which is the owner. Most birds only have one mate, and they mate for life by the way. I learned it is better if I end up getting my own pet bird, that I buy a young bird rather than adopting an older one, since one or many owners have owned it. Once I said my good-byes, and she recommended that I take a picture of her bird after saying “It’s a shame I have to leave so soon”. I never really thought of having pictures of her conure, but because this is something I may never experience again, I should have a memory of it somehow. I had 8 pictures taken of this woman’s conure taking many different poses on my arm and on my head. I had this great experience that gave me hope in such a busy day at work. The last words the woman said was “Make sure you enjoy dinner with your family.” Wouldn’t you know I went over to my mom’s house and had some salad and pasta with my brothers. I also decided to spend some time watching my other brother play “Watch Dogs” on the PS3 before I went back home.

Well, to conclude what I experienced, take every moment in, because it’s the only way to make them last. Here’s an awesome picture I recorded of this conure on my head. It seems like it was getting used to me, although I’m just an object to it when I’m just standing there.

My YouTube username is jeremytheplayer88 if you want to see some videos of me rescuing a baby starling. Take care!


Time for a close-up

Close-up conure

A New Year with Great Possibilities

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It’s been ages and ages since I’ve posted my last blog, so here it is finally. I’ve been spending a lot of time boosting my subscribers and helping a YouTube friend as well. As you know, I have suffered a lot of headache last year with the fact that I got hacked 3 times by the same hacker. It seems that some people do not realize how much effort I put into all of my channels. I made a dozen accounts every month, just so that I can catch up with all the 51,000 subscribers I lost on my jhirzel88 channel. So far, I have around 50 channels, but 10 of them have gotten suspended. I use the i-macros, a firefox addon, which can continuously click on channels via YouLikeHits and AddMeFast.com. I also use enhanceviews.com, which I can re-authenticate my accounts so that I can continue using it while I am asleep.

I am a person who wants to reach the absolute limits. I ask myself these questions. How many subscribers can I possibly get until there is no-one left to subscribe to me? Also, how much money can I make from ads if I get enough views to reach popularity status? Since I love math and science, I take everything into consideration when it comes to numbers. You may think to yourself, “Oh, it’s only numbers”, but numbers mean data, and data is the thing that keeps every website in tact. Who knows, YouTube might not be around in another 10 years if people don’t see any results in their numbers. YouTube only seems to care about the big corporations and never about the small users. Back in 2007, which is 2 years after Google bought YouTube, there were tons of people applying for partnership, because they had a small fanbase of only 1,000 subscribers. That’s all it took for people to get millions of views on their videos. Now all of that is in the past now. I have over 30,000 subscribers on my jviewer029 channel, and I don’t get shit! All I get is comments and messages from other users persuading me to watch their videos. Like I’d ever do that! I don’t care, these peoples’ videos will just go down the toilet anyways. I use wenoo more often than YouTube anyways since there is a real fanbase of potential users to watch your videos. YouTube has crappy channel designs anyways, and it’s no wonder why YouTube got rid of “friend adding” 2 years ago. Nobody will use such a website that looks just plain ugly. Plus, with Google Plus, don’t even get me started. Google is forcing every user to merge their YouTube account with Google Plus, otherwise they will no longer be able to comment on any videos. Google doesn’t need to force me to do anything. I’ll just stick with messaging people from now on. At least I’m still allowed to do that. I rarely ever use YouTube except for checking messages anyways, so I don’t really care if I can’t comment anymore.

On the bright side, I have never been hacked in 2014 yet, since I made sure I used fake phone numbers with my usernames. I also made every password on every new account different, plus I made the Google email different than the username. No hacker will ever be crack my every single one of my passwords, ever! I only have 1,000 subscribers on each channel so I don’t my hackers will be interested in that few of subscribers. I use phone verification on my high subscriber channels so unless my hackers got a hold of my phone, they’re not logging in.

I’ll spend more time helping my friend achieve more views and subscribers, since I am afraid I may still get hacked even with all the extra precautions. I am not interested in views, only subscribers, but I am more interested in giving more of my subscribers to her.

I’ve also been listening to the radio with my new outdoor antenna, which is hooked up in the bathroom for now. I plan to move it to the roof soon, but since I got the space, I’ll just keep it in there for now. I’m listening to WSOU at a precise antenna position. It was not easy to setup my antenna, especially when the antenna has to be positioned and directionally rotated. Plus, I use a bunch of headphones wires for extra reception and that alone took quite a long time to get to the right spot. I do this constantly whenever I change radio stations.

I have also been working and going to school on top of all this, so I do get quite busy.

My YouTube accounts keep getting HACKED!

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Sorry for such a late post. I have been consistently trying to catch up with all my YouTube subscribers, only to find out that all that effort is all put to waste when my accounts got hacked. On February 28, 2013, my jhirzel88 channel was the first channel to get hacked, and unfortunately that got closed down when I tried to recover it. The hacker had access to my computer screen and could even open and close tabs. He keylogged my password as I typed it in. I downloaded malicious software, which was supposed to be a program that would give me subscribers, but I got nothing except a Trojan attack.

The next month, I got hacked by someone else, who is the same person who just hacked a 4th YouTube channel of mine several days ago. He is targeting me as a victim and there’s nothing I can do. I tried making my password 100 characters and Google retrieved my account for him when he selected “My account may have been compromised” option. Google thought that I was the hacker all because I changed my password. All he needed was an email and a phone number, then BANG, Google gave him my account. That proves how much Google’s security SUCKS! Never join YouTube. They have the worst security in the world. I already read on about this. They will give anyone’s accounts to ANYONE, because they have a crappy automated system and there’s no human beings running it. Now I have to create a fake phone number and email so that I don’t get hacked again. Plus, I can’t even use my real name anywhere anymore, which REALLY SUCKS!

My hacker has all my personal information now because the account that he recently hacked has all my monetization details on it, including my Social Security number and my address. I am ruined because of him.

I know the hacker’s name, but I wish to not disclose that information to better protect myself and anyone else who wishes to not get hacked by him.

This is fucking shit, it really is!


Finding More Answers to Bird Feeding

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It’s coming to 9 straight months now that I’ve set table scraps out to the birds, and I just want to say, that I have seen a lot of changes in some of their eating habits, which have varied from season to season. First off, the starlings seem to eat every morsel of food that I have in the pile. Sometimes, they will come in the dozens when there is a lot of food out. In that case, it’ll just take an hour for the food to disappear. I do not think I am doing any harm by putting these food items out. On the contrary, the starlings find similar items in the wild. The popcorn resembles corn, and since there are lots of corn fields here in New Jersey, that is a common item for them to eat. I also put chicken out, which resembles insects. It’s kind of a weird fact that bugs taste just like chicken. I think that might be true, haha! Another food item that I put out is pasta, and although that is the last item to disappear, it is similar to something, but I just can’t name it right now. I do put soda out as well, but keep in mind, that I do watch every recording to observe how much they are drinking. I only saw a few starlings that drank more than a few sips. Even at that, by the time that bird drinks it, the soda has been out for an hour and is pretty much depleted of carbonation. In the wild, I am sure that all birds have the instinct to know if that soda is going to do any damage to them. Then again, I only saw one or two House Sparrows drinking a measly sip of soda in the summer, so I can’t be too sure on that. I won’t worry about that, I’ll just continue on and if I see any exploding birds, I’ll have it posted. How’s that sound? I’ll tell you one thing, that’s not going to happen, that’s all I can say.

The crows, on the other hand, are only collecting meat items and they don’t seem to eat anything. There was one crow that took a chicken thigh and flew down to the center of the road as if it was too heavy to fly away with. I’m not entirely sure if it was too heavy or if it just hungry and wanted to set it on a hard surface to eat a few pieces. Then, once another crow came to try to snatch the chicken, the crow flew off-camera and I couldn’t see how far the crow went after that. I am pretty sure these crows are determined to hide any food items that they collect. I’m sure if the other crow that was about to steal the chicken from that crow was watching the chicken beforehand, they knew what they would be getting themselves into if the weight of it would be too much to handle.

A few days ago, I did observe a crow taking a few pieces of popcorn, after it ate the first piece. That was one example that maybe they are eating more than just meat. I will tell you this, I know they can’t be eating meat all the time. They aren’t even eating reeses anymore either like they were in the past. That’s considered nuts to them, which is a protein-rich product just like meat is, but it may be possible that these are different crows that have never eaten them, and perhaps they don’t realize that there is peanut butter inside of the shells. The weather is getting colder, so the shells aren’t melting for the crows to smell the peanut butter either.  I did lots of research on crows, and crows eat about 1/3 animal matter and the rest is plant matter. Therefore, it is probably obvious that wherever the crows are roosting at is where they keep their food. It is quite interesting that they cache and store food items for a long time. I read that they can store perishable food items for as long as 6 months. I wonder if the crows are trying to save that meat for the Spring? They have carried away meat items in the Spring too, but I know that all that meat couldn’t be eaten right now since the crows don’t have any babies to take care of since they grew up. The babies probably ate that meat before and right now they are just managing for themselves. My gosh, back then, I remembered one crow that was sitting on a telephone wire and a few Vultures were eating all the food, then after the vultures left, only a couple of gummy worms were left and some popcorn. That crow immediately came and ate both gummy worms right on that spot. No other bird I’ve seen has eaten something like that, so I can tell you that their ability to survive on any food source is incredible! They do eat from garbage dumpsters so they have no reason to be picky when they need the food the most.

I haven’t seen any House Sparrows around. The last time I saw them was about a month ago. When they were around at the time, they were just eating popcorn from the food pile and bird seed from my grandma’s feeder. I saw one that would keep taking reeses away. That is quite strange because it’s only this one sparrow that was doing it. I’m sure that starling had a liking to them because of the shell’s sweet taste. They aren’t interested so much in eating peanut butter, but I’m sure they ate it anyways, since it’s soft enough to eat. They do eat 4% insects during the non-breeding months, so I’m sure that accounts to something when it comes to them eating the correct protein they need. In the Spring time, there were some House Sparrows that were eating nothing but chicken, but once that disappeared, they started to eat almost everything else too just like the starlings always are. That’s a drastic change compared to what I’ve recently seen.

I noticed that the reeses are eaten by the squirrels now. Also, I notice them eating the shells are well. They used to trim around those and leave the shells behind in the summer. Perhaps now, the sugar that is in the shells is crucial for them to store fat to keep warm through the winter. I am not exactly sure, but I think that is what’s going on with that. One thing that makes me wonder, if I am putting 20 reeses out and the crows observe the squirrels eating them just like they were eating nuts and taking the hidden caches, then how come they don’t do the same thing for the reeses. I’m sure the crows know that the squirrels are eating them, so why can’t they do the same thing? It seems that the crows already have enough nuts, and maybe they are stashed out on them. That’s my guess. What do you think about that one?

Well, I’m sorry it’s been a while since my last blog. I decided to make this entry because I feel more confident of what I am feeding these birds based on what they need to eat. Over these months, it didn’t click on me until now. If you got any bird feeding stories to share, I’m always open for those. Thanks for checking this post out.

Music Appreciation Song Analysis

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I decided to share a paper that I just typed up. If you recall seeing my blog about the European Starling that was dead on the side of the road, where I flapped its wing, this is where I last mentioned this song. If you can see a connection here, there is only a small connection, because this story is completely imaginative.

Annagrace – Song Analysis

       The song “Don’t Let Go” is by far my favorite song by Annagrace and probably any other dance artist. Whetever what kind of mood the person is in, sad or happy, depressed or anxious, can certainly still feel calm when hearing it. It is a song with a repeated chorus, with a few versus. This song is vivid enough to describe Annagrace, or whoever is in my imagination, to be walking on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, a lot of birds, and hundreds of them, swoop down behind her. Within just a few seconds upon them approaching, she is fastened with dozens of ropes and is dragged away 1,000 feet up into the distance. There is a parrot who leads the flock, equipped with headphones, cameras, and other equipment. He turns around briefly every now and then to make sure everything is in check. He is constantly rotating his head, and looking out for any danger that may be lurking into the dark clouds. That parrot obviously commands where the birds are taking her. The other birds seem to have no sense of real direction except for what the parrot is doing. The whole song talks about Annagrace not letting go of these birds, no matter what! Even if there’s a thunderstorm, or downpouring rain, she’s still hanging on. She’s determined to do anything she can to get away from her lover, as illustrated in her other songs. She may be doing this out of either love or hate, or she may be leaving humanity altogether. Perhaps she was meant to be alone, unexposed by the terrible world that she has to live in. As there was no information about the songs in detail other than the links to i-tunes to download the songs, the song can only be stated by whatever the listener feels that it may resemble. Annagrace has the following according to her Facebook page, “She writes her own songs, which cannot be taken for granted in the dance scene. And of course, with Ready To Dare, there is link to the world of fashion, one of AnnaGrace’s long time passions.” She never had an intention to explaining the meaning to her words. Usually, if only one person writes the song, rather than going through 2 or more people, the artist may feel secretive and could be judged incorrectly by someone who is not willing to accept her thoughts. The instrumental parts of the song fit the lyrics perfectly. There is much harmony present where Annagrace uses a trance to engage the listener to the chorus of the song. For the most part, there are two instruments being combined into those areas of the song, without the use of drums or any other percussion instruments. That would more than likely take away the power that the song brings. There should be a sense of a go-far feeling, where everything is continuous. There are instances of word panting whenever she sings the word “go”. She adds an emphasis on the “o” for another second. She is explaining that she needs to hold on to these birds, as tight as she can, to prevent from falling to her death. Hopefully, wherever she is going or moving to is far away, and far enough away that she doesn’t have to deal with the issues that she is facing. If she does eventually go back home, perhaps she might want to try to survive at the very least and prevent herself from dying. That way, things can go back to the way it was. Nothing can stop her, and certainly nobody can attack her since she is high up in the sky. Who knows, she may not ever want to come back down, and may even be stuck up there forever. If she does land on the ground, it’s going to be hard to hold on to anything after that point. The lyrics never explain about finally letting go. Even at final second of the song, rather than using a traditional fade-out, the song cuts off where she sings “Don’t Let Go”. Then an instrument resembling a “whoosh” resembles that constant motion of everything still in progress.


If you’re feeling down
Call on me
Hold on tight and baby don’t let go
This too will pass
You’ve gotta believe in the power of love
So don’t let go
Don’t let go
Don’t let go
Don’t let go
Sometimes life can drive you crazy
I know how hard that it can be
When the problems come together
You’ve got real hard to feel at ease
Someday somewhere somehow I know
The love you want it will be there
Someday somehow
I’ll will to come
If you’re feeling down
Call on me
Hold on tight and baby don’t let go
This too will pass
You’ve gotta believe in the power of love
So don’t let go
Don’t let go
So don’t let go
Don’t let go
No I don’t have all the answers
To the questions in your mind
All I know is that I love you
And your tears they will run dry
Someday somewhere somehow I know
The love you want it will be there
Someday somehow
I’ll will for come
If you’re feeling down
Call on me
Hold on tight and baby don’t let go
This too will pass
You’ve gotta believe in the power of love
So don’t let go
Don’t let go
So don’t let go
Don’t let go

Works Cited

Coenen, Annemie. “Annagrace.” Annagrace’s Official Homepage. Annagrace music, June 2012. Web. 19 June 2012. <http://www.annagrace.eu/‌#/‌biography&gt;.

– – -. “Annagrace.” Facebook. Annagrace music, June 2012. Web. 19 June 2012. <http://www.facebook.com/‌AnnaGrace.Official&gt;.

– – -. “Annagrace.” Wikipedia. Various publishers, 5 June 2012. Web. 19 June 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/‌wiki/‌Annagrace&gt;.

– – -. “Don’t Let Go.” Sweetlyrics. Sweetlyrics, Nov. 2010. Web. 19 June 2012. <http://www.sweetslyrics.com/‌806221.Annagrace%20-%20Don’t%20Let%20Go.html&gt;.

Great Movie Worth Checking Out

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I just got back from watching “Snow White and the Huntsman” and oh my gosh, the movie was so cool. Well, it all starts with Snow White, which as you know had very white skin and lips as red as rose. I would like to do a comparison to the Disney version. It’s a pretty significant difference. Well, if I were to compare anything, the beginning starts when she takes care of a baby bird, but not just any bird. This was a European Magpie. That’s a very social bird in real life, and they usually do approach people more easily than other birds. That is probably why the magpie was suited for that scene. Not only that, but they are native to England, since that’s the most common bird you’ll find there. Well, back to the story. In the Disney version of this movie, there are many types of birds that randomly come onto her hand, and she is singing to them in the beginning. In the movie, she takes care of one bird and brings it inside to show to her dad. Later on, about 5 years later when Snow White got older, that same bird is shown leading the way to safety as the guards were chasing her to bring her to the evil queen. There was another bird later on that it mated with, so there were two birds leading the way. It all stops at a forbidden forest, which the evil queen cannot enter. That is the exact place where in the disney version, she finds a cabin and meets the seven dwarfs. In both versions, the queen seeks a huntsman to kill her, which he refuses too once he sees her beauty. However, in the real version, the huntsman travels with her, rather then letting her run away in the Disney version. There is also dwarfs in both versions, although the dwarfs in the real movie hang Snow White and the Huntsman by a rope before joining forces. Lastly, they come to the middle of a forest, where she finds a deer that allows Snow White to come close and pet it. All of a sudden, an arrow strikes it and it transforms into hundreds of magpies. The guards continue to chase everyone down. These scenes never happened in the Disney version. The last, and most important scene is the fact that the queen had a few ravens as her pets. Once she is striked with a sword by the Huntsman, who survives the first blow, she transforms into a hundred ravens and attacks him. She, in her raven form, returns to the castle, where she transforms back into herself.

I seem to be talking about birds a lot, because guess what, that’s why I enjoyed this movie so much. It’s certainly worth watching. There’s a lot more I could say that doesn’t have to do with birds, but I don’t want to give too much away. If you want a movie with a good twist, this movie’s got it.

AdSense banned again

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I kind of forgot to mention this, but I feel that it is necessary now that I have been banned from my Google AdSense account yet again. I was banned back in January when someone hacked into my YouTube account and made all my videos “private”. I thought that the hacker deleted them, but I guess I got lucky. I was stuck realizing that he deleted them because I couldn’t access my account for 2 weeks. In the meantime, I sent in a form to Google to close my AdSense account but it had been logged into recently, so they weren’t able to. I tried 2 more times the following week. I got an email saying that my account was disabled. I later found out that all I had to do to get my account back was to go to the verification screen and use my old phone number, which I was allowed to use for 30 days. I got into my Google account, sure enough, my AdSense was gone. My hacker was clever to generate invalid clicks on my ads to mess me up. That put extra money into my account, and now, all my advertisers see me as a risk.

As of May 15th, a boatload of people got their AdSense accounts banned for no reason. I was one of the unfortunate fools that those AdSense nerds targeted, just because I may have so happened to have multiple views on my videos from the same people. These ads were counted in the views, but I had no clicks from anyone. Big whopping 15 cents for 1,000 views, and most of my videos had 3,000 views, plus the true-view ads, which are worth 6 cents for just 1 view. I had about 200 views from that. In total, I lost out on $17, which isn’t a lot, but I lost a lot more than just money. I lost out on a SocialBlade partnership, which, if I were accepted, they would generate a much, much higher payout for my videos. I just needed 1,400 views per day to get that partnership. The partnership is designed for people that have valuable videos that mean more to the advertisers. That is why when you consider the 15 cents that Google gives you, that’s just dirt compared to what I could get from a network. Well, I made a new AdSense account, and I had to change my name and information, for the THIRD time! I hate doing this, and I’m sick of changing my identity just to prevent being caught by Google. If I get banned again, I have learned a good lesson. Google simply doesn’t want to pay anyone except for the 10 most viewed users on YouTube. I’m just a nobody to them, and so is anybody else that monetizes their videos.

Do you think I deserve this partnership opportunity? I will have to start all over on a whole new YouTube account to do so, so is it truly worth it? Even if my videos do get featured lots of websites, I can’t possibly say this will help my future in any way. Unless I made videos that talked about building computers or making reliable software, I am just doing this for my own leisure.

Realizing I have goals

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I would like to finally state that I am sick and tired of living in some sort of a fantasy world. I have had it up to here with this. I have continued to set goals for myself, even though they were never written. One of those was to get an Amazon Parrot in a few years. I made that statement back in 2009. Here it is, in 2012, and guess what? I don’t have one yet. Isn’t that astonishing? The one drawback which may have forced me to delay that is the fact that I am still in college. I still haven’t gotten my Associates’ yet, which I plan to complete this summer. On top of that, I haven’t gotten a job in over a year. I worked at my mom’s cupcake shop for the past year, but that is not a paying job. I was only paid in cupcakes, if that’s what you’d consider being paid. After I get a job, that is only the first step. I still need to learn how to drive. That’s one other goal I wish to accomplish. Once I get into a 4-year college, I want to consider an internship at Microsoft. That will complete my long-term goal of working at Microsoft. I feel that I can achieve enough just by taking that big step. I need to be able to complete all my goals, but each goal relies on several factors. One factor is me being proactive. I need to be able to do things for myself, instead of relying on others to do them for me. Doing more chores would help, as would buying school supplies for myself, and spending less time on this laptop and more time getting out and doing stuff. That is the key to me turning into a more responsible adult.

Let’s be serious though. I’m not a fully mature adult mentally. I have a mild case of autism, which does affect my judgement to that of a 15-year old. I have a good idea on how to survive in life. After all, I am satisfied with the goals I made.

There is one problem though. One of my goals has changed. As of tonight, I have decided to make this official. Here it goes. I don’t want an Amazon Parrot when I get older. I made that decision based upon the fact that I have been closely watching the crows that I have been feeding at my grandma’s front yard. I thought they were ravens at first. Nonetheless, I did a lot of research on ravens, and I really want a pet raven instead. They are the among the most intelligent animals in the world, behind dolphins and us. Their brain-to-body mass is the same as that in apes and chimpanzees. They have succeeded in finding ways to hide their food sources that is impossible to believe. Also, they have solved complex problems that not even parrots could solve. That is just a couple of things that are great about them, plus they can learn human speech.

The next thing I have to say, might be disgusting when I mention it. A few nights ago, I have been wondering about this. I came across this video that I edited and I could barely sleep. I woke up three times the night after I saw it. This crow appeared to be eating some chicken, but it seemed to be taking its time eating it. I did some research the next morning, and even though they appeared to be swallowing it, but in actuality, they are really storing these chicken pieces inside a gland in their throat. This was so cool when I found out, that I made a slowed-down version of this video to see it for myself. Once I watched that version, I then continued to keep thinking, and I still couldn’t understand. How much is it really eating? Is it grabbing just a couple of pieces or is it grabbing more than that?

Don’t you see? I’ll never know what’s going on in the crow’s beak, no matter how many times I leave that camera on the grass. I decided to create yet another goal for myself. Are you ready for the truth? Even though I really don’t feel comfortable saying this, I’m sick of hiding this. Ravens have this capability too and I just want to realize that my pet raven truly loves me, and it could take care of me the same way. I’ve got to see it…..first hand! I’ve just got to! I need to taste it, and feel the same way, as if I were just another bird. That is why I am going to ask my raven to do this. Think about it, I won’t ever have to get off my chair when my raven gets my food for me. I mean, I am afraid that I will never get this out of my head unless I have it done, just once. Maybe it’ll do it to me forever, or perhaps, it’ll refuse to regurgitate its food to me at all. I don’t know. Typically, the only time it takes the effort to do this task is when its taking care of a member of its flock. Perhaps this fact will change.

This is one thing that triggered this idea. In my imagination, I witnessed a wizard who had to be abandoned when the king and queen were killed. Their forefathers were killed as well. They knew there was no hope in there being another heir in the kingdom, so right before the king died, he dropped his baby out in the forest. It was a dark forest with thorns and a dirt path. It was a sanctuary of hundreds of ravens, and nobody that has set into this forest has survived, as these ravens are very territorial. Well, he was found by two ravens. He was raised and ravens, but he learned to talk normally because the ravens managed to pick up human speech from overhearing the people in the castle. They also collected food for the wizard all his life. He had no choice but to accept whatever the ravens fed to him. He mostly ate the meat that the ravens snuck out of the castle of the two neighboring kingdoms, and rarely anything else. He never left the raven place, because he felt most at home where he was. He built a castle where he stayed to do his spells, and made his ravens his bodyguards. He created a task where whoever survives a test will gain access to his spells and can have any magic spell that person desires. These abilities are tested, strength, agility, and intelligence. The ravens created this task, and the wizard approved it. Within the duration of this test, anyone who walks into this forest shall begin by carrying a raven on its back. For the first mile, the person cannot stop for any reason. The wizard can see everything through his crystal ball and he will teleport the person back to the beginning if that happens. He gets three strikes, the third strike is death, in which the raven will begin to peck his head off. If that person succeeds the first mile, there is a cliff that appears. There are two options. He could turn around, climb the nearest tree and jump off the highest branch which is right at the top of the cliff. Either that, or he could use his raven to tie a rope at the top and he could climb up. That’s the easiest option. At the end, there is a raven that asks a question about his/her kingdom, and if its answered correctly, access will be granted. Once the castle is reached, the two ravens will do a search on the person, then will be allowed to be seen by the wizard. Whichever spell the wizard will award is based on the person’s status. If the challenger of the test was a knight, far less effort has been achieved, so he/she won’t get any complex spells. A peasant could transform into an animal, but a knight could only get a new sword. If the knight was sent in by the king to capture the wizard, he might as well have nothing to look forward to. The wizard isn’t going anywhere, as he’s being guarded by his ravens. They will not allow him to leave the vicinity of his castle. Now, the wizard does have evil intentions. A few times, he has called hundreds of ravens over to escape him from the castle. They have achieved to take him anywhere he wishes to go, but because he is guarded, he can’t be seen by any people at all, otherwise, they must leave. He has caused himself to be treated as a bad guy, because of the fact that he was from a bad kingdom. He used his magic spells to destroy entire cites, including generating fires and giant tsunamis. He has done everything that a warlock would do, although he uses his hands to do all his spells. As of right now, he is no longer at his castle, but is still protected by his parent ravens.

Does that explain my situation better? Well, that’s just an imagination, but anything that’s anything helps I suppose. That’s just part of the story. The rest of it is kind of complicated. I have an imaginations story on my YouTube channel, JeremyTheViewHacker, but I’ll just leave it to you if you want to watch it.

A Really Cool Dream I Had

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I would just like to share a dream that I had last night. It felt so real, that it didn’t feel like a dream when I was dreaming it. I know that you probably think that all the time from your dreams, but this is more unique than that. I foresaw this dream coming, and that’s why I thought this had to be real.

Let me begin. It all started when I was at the college. I was leaving class, and heading for the bus. I then walked onto the bus, and sat down on the third to last seat on the left. I remembered that scene perfectly. I was sitting by myself, and there was a nerd with glasses and pimples on his face sitting behind me alone with a black guy. There were also one other guy on the right side. Well, there we were, all on the bus, and we were at a complete stand still. I looked out the window far into the distance to see the main building of the campus straight ahead with the Tech Building at a 45 degree angle. It had a bunch of grass and sidewalk in front of it. At a 160 degree angle, I saw the Enterprise Building of the campus. I decided to stare into the distance one last time before we left. I then saw a raven land on the grass in front of the Tech Building about 50 feet away from me. Once it proceeded closer, another raven then came about, and it landed just a foot away from where I was sitting. The bus didn’t have windows, and it was very low to the ground. I couldn’t believe how close it was. I was wondering why it was looking at me, without being afraid? Guess what I did? I reached over and I grabbed it. Yes, I actually grabbed it with my hands. There I was, on the bus sitting there, holding onto this raven. I was holding it from its back onto my chest so that it couldn’t escape. It flapped its wings just once, then gave up. It continued to struggle, and then it spoke to me. The raven said, ”Lemme go! Lemme go! Cawwww, get your hands off of me!”. I still held on tight, but a person who was sitting behind me said, “Um, maybe you should let him go, LOOK!” Then I turned it around and its face was all red. It looked very nervous. I then let it go and it flew away. A moment later, a few other ravens showed up, they all flew right behind me and right beside me. They were wearing clothes. They talked like they were black. I mean negro black. Ravens can mimic, just in case you didn’t know. It said something like “Oh, I got to see what all those humans are doing.” There was another raven just sitting next to someone on the other side of the bus without a care in the world. I wanted to pet it, but I decided not to.

I woke up when the bus started leaving, so I don’t know how this story would end. This dream just proves how much I’m really into ravens, and that I actually want a own a raven as a pet. I’ve been making a lot of videos of myself feeding the ravens. I’ve researched about them too. They are really intelligent, and their brain to body mass is the same as in apes and chimpanzees. I feel confident that I know more about them than any other bird-watcher would know.

I set my camera on the grass so that I could record these two ravens eat some buffalo wings. Usually it’s difficult to get these birds on camera because they get scared so easily. Just having a lot of food laying in one place can scare them, let alone seeing that camera sticking up on the grass. Here is the video, right here. Enjoy!

And here’s a raven eating red velvet cupcakes, which is milk chocolate. I’ve usually put out chocolate or vanilla, but the ravens seem to only like the red-velvet ones. I am guessing that its because the recipe calls for more eggs than the other ones. I don’t think the raven shows up until the middle of the clip. There were starlings eating meat at the beginning.