Closing up the Bird-Feeding Activities

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I would just like to say, I am no longer allowed to feed my birds in my backyard. My mom has been very upset that I was still sneaking cupcakes outside and it has to end. In order to prevent me from doing that, from now on, I will be waking up early with her every day to go to work. The only time I will be home is at night when my siblings are home. The fact is, she doesn’t want me attracting insects, not be mention rats and other unwanted pests. It’s not about the fact that the cupcakes aren’t good for them. My grandma explained that she doesn’t care enough about the birds to think that. The difference between feeding the birds cupcakes and feeding them bird seed is that the bird seed doesn’t attract insects. It is only for the birds. If you put out any kind of food item outside, you have to be aware of what kinds of animals are out there, and what they are looking for. Even if you put a tiny amount of food out and the birds do eat them, there’s going to be other animals around that were attracted by the scent, even if they are far away. That is exceptionally important when the food is in a rural forest, which is abundant in wildlife. The fact is, animals can be conditioned to eat these foods, then they will not know how to find their own food and they will be reliant on us to feed them all the time. In the long run, that will cause starvation at a large scale in areas where there are no people around. Birds take several years to become conditioned, but birds are not the only animals in that forest. There are also squirrels, raccoons, skunk, deer, and other animals I can’t name. Well, I think the Yellow-Rumped Warblers are already conditioned, because they were even eating french fries the second time I put them out about a week ago but they weren’t eating them a few weeks ago. As a result, those warblers have to die and I must kill them. A few days ago, I have already poisoned their icing with laundry detergent, dishwasher soap, and wood cleaners . Once I see them dead on the ground, I swear to God, I am going to take them out of the forest, and throw them at the wall of the house, and stuff icing in their beaks. My mom will think that the sugar in the cupcakes killed them. I will take it one step further though. Why should I stop there? I am going to hide all the icing in their beaks, that way my mom won’t find them. Then, I’ll take some out later. Well, I probably won’t go that far. I haven’t gone back yet to check on them because I have been going to my grandparents’ house instead of going back to mom’s. I have been feeding the birds cupcakes there instead, not poisoned cupcakes of course.

Here is part 1 to my 2-part video of me killing those warblers.


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